Strategic Thinking Skills Training Course in Netherlands

Our corporate training course is also available in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague (Den Haag), Utrecht, Eindhoven, Tilburg, Groningen, Almere, Breda, Nijmegen, Enschede, Haarlem, Arnhem, Amersfoort, Zaanstad, Apeldoorn, ‘s-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch), Hoofddorp, Maastricht, Leiden, Dordrecht, Zoetermeer, Zwolle, Deventer, Delft, Alkmaar, Heerlen, Alphen aan den Rijn, Helmond, Leeuwarden, Volendam, Giethoorn, Scheveningen, Middelburg, Roermond, Valkenburg aan de Geul, Zandvoort, Kinderdijk, Gouda. 

About This Strategic Thinking Training Course in Netherlands

Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands

Strategic thinking is the ability to plan out the future. It is the ability to foresee changing conditions in the workplace or the surroundings and plot countermeasures to prevent possible disadvantages. It is a quality most companies and firms would consider valuable coming from their employees. Managers need this skill to plan out department details, prepare the annual budget, and, forecast goals and projects.

As ironic as it seems, most of the newly-appointed managers or executives find it difficult to let go of their previous tasks and responsibilities. A common complaint is that they don’t have enough time to do strategic thinking or to see the bigger picture since they, barely, have time to do their routinary tasks or take out issues encountered.

From a study by Harvard Business, the managers they were lecturing to were not sure what it meant to think strategically. They didn’t know what to do even when they were offered to have a whole day cleared up so they can do strategical thinking. Some of them gave out blank stares and shrugs in response. Some also assumed that watching documentaries or intellectual videos could help them improve their skills.

This skill is intended for everybody and not just for managers or executives. When individuals anticipate things to change and prepare for them beforehand, it gives them an advantage against losses and unexpected results. Mistakes can still happen, however, but it won’t be as hard to take rather than nonchalantly wishing everything will go smoothly without supervision.

Strategic Thinking gives individuals the instruments to undertake a meticulous strategic diagnosis. Training participants will analyse capabilities, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, and recognise ability and resource lulls in your their own business context that could impact their strategy’s implementation.

Improving this skill takes time and practice, but, it is not impossible to achieve. Four ways to do it is to be proactive, understand counterarguments, regularly optimize, and, keep updated with trends and the news. This course will help individuals examine their strategic thinking skills. Assessing their current abilities will aid them in improving themselves for upcoming opportunities.

Who Should Attend This Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands Workshop

This Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands workshop is ideal for anyone who would like to gain a strong grasp and improve their Strategic Thinking Skills.

  • All Staff Within An Organisation

  • Managers

  • Team Leaders

  • Executives

  • Assistants

  • Officers

  • Secretaries

Group Size For This Strategic Thinking Skills Training Program in Netherlands

The ideal group size for this Strategic Thinking Skills in Netherlands is:

  • Minimum: 5 Participants

  • Maximum: 15 Participants

Course Duration For This Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands

The duration of this Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands workshop is 1 full day. Knowles Training Institute Netherlands will also be able to contextualised this workshop according to different durations; 2 full days, half day, 90 minutes and 60 minutes.

  • 1 Full Day

  • 9 a.m to 5 p.m

Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands Benefits

Below is the list of course benefits of our Strategic Thinking Skills course in Netherlands

  1. Enables employees and individuals to see the bigger picture.
  2. Open up opportunities for career growth and promotion.
  3. Improve processes and procedures through strategic planning and thinking.
  4. Elevate a business’ progress through improved strategies.
  5. Improve managerial skills by using strategic thinking skills.
  6. Promote proactive behavior in the organization.
  7. Enhance productivity and growth.

Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands Objectives

Below is the list of course objectives of our Strategic Thinking Skills course in Netherlands

  1. Identify the individual’s weaknesses in terms of strategic thinking skills.
  2. Recognize the qualities to become strategic thinkers.
  3. Distinguish more benefits of strategic thinking in daily use.
  4. Demonstrate pro-activeness in the workplace and in trying situations.
  5. Observe other companies or individuals who are strategic thinkers.
  6. Interact with individuals or colleagues who can give neutral pieces of advice and observations.
  7. Study new technologies, news, and, trends to continuously improve processes.
  8. Improve flexibility in handling uncalled for situations, surroundings, and events.
  9. Determine priorities using tools and techniques (e.g. Stephen Covey’s 2 x 2 matrix).
  10. Practice thinking time and embrace conflict.
  11. Practice being structured in written and verbal communication.
  12. Expose individuals to other successful companies and individuals using strategic thinking skills.

Course Content For This Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands

Below is the list of course content of our Strategic Thinking Skills course in Netherlands

  1. What are Strategic Thinking Skills?
  2. What are the qualities of a strategic thinker?
  3. How does it benefit individuals to be strategic thinkers?
  4. Strategic Thinking Benefits
  5. How to Master Strategic Thinking?
  6. Make Strategic Thinking Part of Your Job
  7. What are the ways to improve strategic thinking skills?
  8. Which companies have successfully incorporated strategic thinking?
  9. What strategies can be used to improve productivity and stress management?
  10. Strategic Thinking Exercises.

Strategic Thinking Skills Value Course in Netherlands Added Materials

Each participant will receive the following materials for the Strategic Thinking Skills course in Netherlands

Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands Learner’s Guide

Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands Handouts

Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands PPT Slides Used During Course

Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands Certification

Each course participant will receive a certification of training completion

Course Fees For Strategic Thinking Skills Training Course in Netherlands

There are 4 pricing options available for this Strategic Thinking Skills training course in Netherlands. Course participants not in Netherlands may choose to sign up for our online Strategic Thinking Skills training course in Netherlands.

  • USD 1019.96 For a 60-minute Lunch Talk Session.
  • USD 434.96 For a Half Day Course Per Participant.
  • USD 659.96 For a 1 Day Course Per Participant.
  • USD 884.96 For a 2 Day Course Per Participant.
  • Discounts available for more than 2 participants.

Upcoming Strategic Thinking Skills Training Course in Netherlands Schedule

Contact us for the latest Strategic Thinking Skills course in Netherlands schedules:



    Download Strategic Thinking Skills Course in Netherlands Brochure

    Request for this Strategic Thinking Skills course in Netherlands brochure. Fill up the short information below and we will send it to you right away!

      • Post Training Support: A vast majority of training does not have any effect beyond 120 days. To work, training has to have a strong pre- and post-training component. Post-training reinforcement helps individuals to recall the understanding and ask questions.

      • Blended Learning: Learning does not occur in the classroom. Virtually everybody prefers distinct ways of learning. Successful learning should have a multi-channel, multi-modal strategy.

      • We Understand The Industry: We’ve got a profound comprehension of the business, business design, challenges, strategy and the that our participants are in and have designed the courseware to cater to their professional needs.
      • Course Content: Knowles Training Institute’s material is relevant, of high quality and provide specific learning results. Participants will leave the training course feeling as they have gained a strong understanding and will also be in a position to execute what they have learned sensibly.
      • Course Development — The workshop modules follow a systematic and logical arrangement. This structure helps to ensure that the course material allows the facilitators to deliver the course in a logical arrangement. Consider the subjects as building bricks into learning, our facilitators slowly build towards a comprehensive picture of this entire topic.

      Knowles Training Institute Netherlands Clients

      Course Enquiries

      Knowles Training Institute Netherlands

      Fill up the form and we will get back to you in less than 1 working day.

      Alternatively, give us a call to have one of our training consultants contact you. Our corporate training courses can be contextualized to meet your organization’s training needs. Leverage on our large pool of professional trainers and consultants for your organization’s training needs.


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        Strategic thinking is a method that defines the manner where people think, assess, view, and shape the future for themselves and others. They are skillful at both thinking with a strategic view as well as devising a visioning process.
        Here are 4 (four) ways to develop strategic thinking: Know: Observe and Seek. Think: Ask the Tough Questions. Speak: Sound Strategic. Act: Make Time for Thinking and Allow Conflict.
        Here are three ways to measure: Planning: One trait in strategic thinking is the capability to see the bigger picture. Focus: Where planning is about the resource, focus is about people allocation. Evaluation: Strategic thinking opens the company up to fresh ideas.
        Strategic thinking is a method that defines how people think about, assess, view, and create the expectation for themselves and others. They are skilled at both thought with a strategic purpose as well as creating a visioning method. They have both abilities and they use them to complement each other.
        Strategic thinking has six key components that include the ability to: intercept, challenge, understand, decide, align, and learn. While each of these components has received separate attention, they become important in entirely new ways when considered in the context of one comprehensive framework.
        Strategic thinking has six key components that include the ability to: intercept, challenge, understand, decide, align, and learn. While each of these components has received separate attention, they become important in entirely new ways when considered in the context of one comprehensive framework.
        Strategy can be referred to as “A common direction set for the company and its many elements to achieve in the future. Strategy results from the detailed strategic planning method”
        Strategic decisions are the choices that are involved with the whole situation in which the firm functions, the entire support and the people who form the organization and the interface between the two.
        The essence of strategy is to make provocative choices to gain a competitive advantage, but tough choices often engender opposing views. While things do not normally get this fiery, strategy is always uncertain; in fact, the very essence of strategy is questionable choices and trade-offs.
        Strategic thinking allows a company owner to discover how to use these resources most efficiently and advance the company toward its goals. Strategic thinking focuses on the management team on businesses that are most prone to succeed.
        A strategic leader takes an ongoing role in the company and serves as the driver to drive the company down the best path for success. A driving character has the ability to drive others, keep them on task, and pay attention to the end goal.
        Strategic leadership points to a manager's potential to formulate a strategic vision for the company, or a part of the company, and to stimulate and convince others to acquire that vision. Strategic leaders assist the employees in an organization to follow their own ideas.
        Strategic thinking is a method that defines how people think about, value, view, and build the future for themselves and others. They have both skills and they use them to complement each other.
        Essential in cultural strategic thinking is your capacity to implore and be positive about your knowledge experiences. Someone who holds a negative prospect about, or who had a negative experience, working with various groups will continue to have trouble working with the groups.
        The five stages of developing strategic management: Clarify Your Vision. Gather and Analyze Information. Formulate a Strategy. Implement Your Strategy. Evaluate and Control.
        The terms tactic and strategy are often complicated: tactics are the actual means used to gain a goal, while strategy is the overall campaign plan, which may include intricate operational models, activity, and decision-making that govern tactical execution.
        Strengthening the employer-employee bond is the strategic role of a human resources manager. Human resources administrators express workforce strategy and manage the functional processes required to meet organizational goals.
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